Canterbury Autumn Term Timetable 2024

Please note, Age groups are a guide and may be flexible depending on your child's bespoke timetables.

Classes for 7 to 9 years 9.30-10.30 10.30-11.30 11.30-12.30
BK1 Dance Dance    
BK1 Singing   Singing  
BK1 Theatre     Theatre
Art 1   Art 1  
Graphic Design 1 GD 1    
Lens Based Media 1     LBM 1
Make Music 1   MM1  
Textiles & Fashion 1     Fashion 1









Classes for 9 to 11 years 9.30-10.30 10.30-11.30 11.30-12.30 12.30-13.30
BK2 Singing Singing      
BK2 Theatre   Theatre    
BK2 Dance     Dance  
Art 2 Art 2      
Graphic Design 2     GD 2  
Lens Based Media 2   LBM 2    
Make Music 2     MM 2  
Textiles & Fashion 2   Fashion 2    
Rambert Grades (10-18yrs)       RG
Specialist Singing (10-18yrs)       Spec Sing
Screen Acting (10-18yrs)       Screen











Classes for 11+ years 9.30-10.30 10.30-11.30 11.30-12.30 12.30-1.30
BK3 Dance   Dance    
BK3 Theatre Theatre      
BK3 Singing     Singing  
Art 3     Art 3  
Fashion Design & Production   Fashion 2-hour class
Graphic Design 3   GD 3    
Lens Based Media 3 LBM 3      
Make Music 3       MM 3
Rambert Graades       RG
Textiles & Fashion 3 Fashion 3      
Screen Acting       Screen
Specialist Singing       Spec Sing











The below fees are for the 12-week term and can be paid in 3 instalments.

1 hour = £121, 2 hours = £242, 3 hours - including 3rd hour discount = £303